According to Dr.Thaj “People with sensitive or acne-prone skin and those with conditions like rosacea or psoriasis may be concerned that exercise will only lead to skin issues, but exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone. That includes people with skin health concerns. Even though you may need to adjust your skincare routine slightly, exercising regularly has fewer negative effects than positive for your skin’s health.” Below, Dr.Thaj walks through just five of the benefits of exercise for skin health.
1 – Improved Blood Flow to Nourish Cells
When we exercise, the blood is pumped through our body, working our heart muscles and circulating blood and oxygen. This increased blood flow during exercise can also result in improved circulation even when you’re not exercising. That means all of our body’s cells, including skin cells, are nourished by this blood flow, leading to improved vitality and more effective cellular repair and replacement.
2 – Improved Blood Flow Removes Toxins from Skin
In addition to more effectively delivering vital nutrients to the body’s cells, improved blood flow also means toxins are removed from the body more efficiently. According to Dr. Thaj, “If you think about your bloodstream as a highway for your cell’s essential nutrients and waste removal, exercise increases the highway speed, which means that all the nutrients are getting where they need to be more quickly and waste or toxins are leaving the cells more quickly. So, your cells are getting more of what they need and being less affected by potentially damaging waste by-products and toxins. It’s a win-win for all of our cells, including those that make up our skin.”
3 – Decreased Stress Improves Outcomes for Chronic Skin Conditions
The TALA team has recently featured posts about the negative impact of stress on skin and hair, especially for those who suffer from chronic skin conditions like acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis. Stress triggers numerous physiological responses within the body that can cause breakouts, inflammation, and allergic skin reactions. Exercise actually decreases the body’s elevated hormonal and immune responses to stress. This can minimize the risk of chronic skin condition breakouts and flare-ups. It also keeps the immune system healthy and better able to respond if needed to combat skin and whole-body health concerns.
4 – Prevent & Reverse the Signs of Aging
A research study that examined the skin of individuals who were 65 and older revealed some impressive findings. The study took a base sample of the community members’ skin. Then, these individuals were asked to maintain a moderate aerobic exercise routine for three months. When testing the skin after the three month exercise period, the findings were remarkable. The skin of the individuals who were exercising more frequently closely resembled healthy skin for individuals of much younger ages, between 20 and 40. In the past, dermatologists believed that exercising could help to keep skin looking healthier, but this recent research tells us exercising may actually make it possible for you to turn back the clock for your skin. With just thirty minutes of aerobic exercise each day, you may just start looking younger.
Dr. Thaj says, “I love telling patients that exercising may help them to look younger! There is more and more scientific evidence supporting the fact that appropriate exercise keeps people looking younger for longer. That being said, if you’re exercising outdoors, it’s important to take steps to protect your skin from sun damage. Additionally, extremely exhausting and overtaxing exercise routines may also have negative effects on the skin’s appearance as well as damaging overall health. You should talk to your physician or a trainer about exercise routines that are appropriate for you.”
5 – Improved Overall Health Places Less Stress on Skin
Finally, we know that our skin is a barrier organ that protects the rest of the body from potential damage. Unfortunately, when the immune system is engaged in keeping the body healthy due to poor health, our skin health will suffer. Regular exercise is an essential part of maintaining good whole-body health, which means your body has the necessary nutrients available to keep skin looking and feeling its best.
Additionally Dr Thaj is a huge fan of Exercise , he exercises almost everyday. If you want to check it out , visit @drthajudheen in instagram. Or DrThaj in youtube. And he made many people fitness motivation.